September 2020 winner Peace Garden Project

Charitocracy's 49th check to September winner Peace Garden Project for $1534

We have good news about September winner Peace Garden Project, right after this quick update...

Happy birthday, Charitocracy! I got you... a subdomain.

If you spend most of your time under a rock, then you probably don't know that OBX is getting its own Charitocracy. To be fair, you probably also don't read this blog, so fair is fair. Carry on then. We'll take care of the raising money for charities. You take care of that rock.

Charitocracy turned 4 years old in September, and I was already planning on spawning a new web site this fall as a way to celebrate. I'm kinky like that. Jessica wanted a subdirectory website. Think / obx. But I want to go full-blown craigslist, so is where the action will be!

Though it was a goal for this quarter handed down by Charitocracy's board of directors, recent circumstances led me to redouble my efforts! In fact, I've been awake now for 52 of the last 56 hours, and counting! All just so I could have it ready for today, the beginning of a new month. And here we are. And here it is. I'll blog more about it later.

Because now I sleep.

September 2020 winner Peace Garden Project

Last night we named Charitocracy's 49th monthly winner. Congratulations to Peace Garden Project, nominated by donor Griffinan. They work against -isms and phobias in the world while feeding people. They don't just grow food, they grow healthy community. You can find their website here. I'm so pleased that this last OBX nominee crossed the finish line before the buzzer went off and all OBX causes moved to their new home. Perfect timing!!

Now you have a week to further sweeten the pot with a special one-time donation of any amount, which we'll add straight to the check we write to winner Peace Garden Project next week. We've received a generous pot sweetener already today!

So take a moment to feel good about your part in our collective $1534+ grant to help with their ongoing work!

Have a great October, stay safe, and be sure to log into Charitocracy to update your votes or nominate a new cause!

August 2020 winner OBX Room in the Inn

Charitocracy's 48th check to August winner OBX Room in the Inn for $1714

We have good news about August winner OBX Room in the Inn, right after this quick update...

OBX Takeover of Charitocracy

If you didn't read about the metaphorical hijacking last week, go ahead and catch yourself up. The local community where Jessica and I live and work, through no direct recruiting effort on our part, has effectively multiplied their ranks and taken control. They've won the July pot, the August pot (see below), and have nominated a promising cause for September, too! They wrangled almost 50 votes this time, and each month their voting block grows because they're actively inviting friends and family and other supporters of their causes each month.

If you're part of the ~75% of Charitocracy donors who didn't join from the Outer Banks of North Carolina this year, you may find this trend upsetting. I don't blame you! You signed up for a national charity of the month club, and instead you're subsidizing what has become a de facto local OBX charity of the month club. But instead of reacting by lowering your donations or cancelling altogether, how about fighting fire with fire? You still hold the majority of the donor base, so for starters, be sure to vote and make sure your friends have voted! Then team up and go do some massive recruiting. Make it personal! With strength in numbers, win back your club! Invite invite invite!

Meanwhile, OBX donors, you're doing an amazing job supporting your local causes. Feel free to throw your support behind a national cause that needs our help one of these times. (Pretty please?) But there's no arguing with your successful strategy. Keep up the great work growing Charitocracy's base and helping all of us become more thoughtful philanthropists, even with just $1 each month to share.

August 2020 winner OBX Room in the Inn

Last night we named Charitocracy's 48th monthly winner. Congratulations to OBX Room in the Inn, nominated by donor They organize shelter for the homeless in the Outer Banks, also providing hospitality, food, and support services. You can find their website here. They managed to recruit well over a dozen new Charitocracy donors to vote for their cause. This is exactly how you do it: get out the vote!

Now you have a week to further sweeten the pot with a special one-time donation of any amount, which we'll add straight to the check we write to winner OBX Room in the Inn. We've received several generous pot sweeteners already today!

So take a moment to feel good about your part in our collective $1714+ grant to help with their ongoing work!

Have a great July, stay safe, and be sure to log into Charitocracy to update your votes or nominate a new cause!

July 2020 winner Food for Thought

Charitocracy's 47th check to July winner Food for Thought for $1437

We have good news about July winner Food for Thought, right after this quick update...

250+ donors!

We reached the 100 donor milestone in Charitocracy's first month (September 2016), and the 200 donor milestone a year later during September 2017. Since then, our new donor rate has balanced our attrition rate freakishly closely, which has had us hovering +/- at 200 ever since. Almost like that's a magic number?

But thanks to the recruiting efforts of Sea Change OBX in February as well as our new July winner announced here today, our donor count has passed the 250 donor milestone!

250 donors is a real accomplishment, and truly inspires and fuels me to continue making Charitocracy bigger and better each month. This growth is almost entirely thanks to organic invitations to friends and family members! So... thanks! And keep 'em coming!

July 2020 winner Food for Thought

Last night we named Charitocracy's 47th monthly winner. Congratulations to Food for Thought, nominated by donor whitelin. They reduce hunger and academic risk facing elementary children in Dare County, NC by providing healthy meals to build strong minds. You can find their web page here. They managed to recruit well over a dozen new Charitocracy donors to vote for their cause. This is exactly how you do it: get out the vote!

Now you have a week to further sweeten the pot with a special one-time donation of any amount, which we'll add straight to the check we write to Food for Thought.

Before you go, check out this short Food for Thought video (starring the nominator!) reminding you of who they are and what they do. It was shot before the pandemic, in case it sets off your social distancing alarms. Remember when we could be that close to other humans without masks?? Then feel good about your part in our collective $1437+ grant to help with their ongoing work!

Have a great August, stay safe, and be sure to log into Charitocracy to update your votes or nominate a new cause!