Spotlight on nominee The You Rock Foundation

Nominee The You Rock Foundation

Next in our series of posts about new Charitocracy nominees, we have nominee The You Rock Foundation nominated by donor misadowling. These rock musicians share their stories to spread awareness and help battle stigmas attached to mental illness. You can find their web site here.

A few words on Charitocracy

Firstly, for newcomers: here's how it works. Donors pool their monthly contributions, as little as $1. The cause with the most votes each month wins the pot. No matter how much or how little you contribute, each donor at Charitocracy gets one vote. This is where charity meets democracy. So please share this post and ask your friends to join us and vote! That's how we spread the word and, as a result, grow the monthly pot. The bigger the pot, the bigger our positive impact on the world!


It's estimated that nearly twenty million people are affected by depression in the United States. Left untreated, depression can lead to feelings of hopelessness, decreased neurological function, interpersonal isolation, and loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed. Depression remains the largest perpetuator of suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death amongst adolescents ages fifteen to twenty four and the second leading cause of death in college students.

The You Rock Foundation was created to serve as a safe haven for those who have suffered or are currently suffering. Using music as a backdrop, You Rock seeks to pull those suffering out of the dark and show them the possibilities of moving forward with life.


SPREAD AWARENESS - Using popular bands and artists as a catalyst for communication.
EDUCATE - Battling stigmas, ignorance, and embracing acceptance.
EMPOWER - Giving everyone the power to choose through sharing and inspiration.
THRIVE - Seeking hope and positive actions to live a life that rocks.

So visit the page of nominee The You Rock Foundation on Charitocracy to vote for, like, or discuss this cause! And finally, check out their 2017 overview video:

Spotlight on nominee No Evil Project

Nominee No Evil Project's Kellii: Grandmother, Bipolar, Brown-eyed

Next in our series of posts about new Charitocracy nominees, we have nominee No Evil Project nominated by donors Alistair and Rebecca. This community photo project shows that people aren't defined by their labels. So let's welcome No Evil Project to our charity of the month club! You can find their web site here.

A few words on Charitocracy

Firstly, for newcomers: here's how it works. Donors pool their monthly contributions, as little as $1. The cause with the most votes each month wins the pot. No matter how much or how little you contribute, each donor at Charitocracy gets one vote. This is where charity meets democracy. So please share this post and ask your friends to join us and vote! That's how we spread the word and, as a result, grow the monthly pot. The bigger the pot, the bigger our positive impact on the world!

About nominee No Evil Project

Are you evil? If not, we need your help!

Unless you have a secret fortress high in the mountains and are devising nefarious plots to bring about world destruction, you can help with the No Evil Project. Everyone is different, and that's a good thing. Everyone is labeled, and despite all the stereotypes out there, you know your labels don't define you. Your combination of labels is what makes you unique.

This is a community photo project where people like you (and not like you) pick three labels that describe themselves, take photos posing as the three wise monkeys, "see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil," and write a good thing they've done to show they're not evil. (Simple, right?) The goal? To show the world that anyone can do good, no matter who they are.

So visit No Evil Project's page on Charitocracy to vote for, like, or discuss this cause! And finally, check out photographer/executive director Troy B. Thompson's TEDx talk:

Spotlight on nominee Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Nominee Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Next in our series of posts about new Charitocracy nominees, we have nominee Leukemia & Lymphoma Society nominated by donor amrizzo01. They've invested over $1.2B in cancer research, focusing on blood cancers. So let's welcome LLS to our charity of the month club! You can find their web site here.

A few words on Charitocracy

Firstly, for newcomers: the cause with the most votes each month wins the pot. No matter how much or how little you contribute, each donor at Charitocracy gets one vote. This is where charity meets democracy. So share this post and ask your friends to join us and vote! That's how we spread the word and, as a result, grow the monthly pot. (Hint: sometimes bigger is better.)

About nominee Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Cancer is a heck of an opponent.

It's a bully. But we aren't afraid of a fight.
It's elusive. But our focus never fades.
It's deadly. But we are known cancer killers.

Since 1949, we've pioneered groundbreaking research that leads us to believe we will find the cures for cancer in our blood.

We were born to defeat this opponent.
We are The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Beating cancer is in our blood.


The mission of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.

Three pillars of our mission:

  • Research - LLS has invested more than $1.2 billion in cutting-edge research, funding nearly all of today's most promising advances, and bringing us closer to cures.
  • Patient Support - We provided free information, support services and financial assistance to over 30,000 people last year.
  • Policy & Advocacy - Our nationwide grassroots network of more than 100,000 volunteers advocate for state and federal policies that benefit patients.

So visit Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's page on Charitocracy to vote for, like, or discuss this cause! And finally, check out their brand new Tougher Than Cancer spot: