Nominated Cause
This is the official discussion thread for the cause HIAS. Its EIN is 13-5633307 and it's a public charity based in Silver Spring, MD. Research more info about the cause on GuideStar and Charity Navigator.
We stand for a world in which refugees find welcome, safety, and freedom. They protect, advocate for, and help resettle refugees in the U.S. and beyond.
HIAS stands for a world in which refugees find welcome, safety, and freedom.
HIAS rescues people whose lives are in danger for being who they are.
- We protect the most vulnerable refugees, helping them build new lives and reuniting them with their families in safety and freedom.
- We advocate for the protection of refugees and assure that displaced people are treated with the dignity they deserve.
Source – https://www.hias.org/mission-and-values
Also read Charitocracy's blog post about HIAS!