Nominated Cause
This is the official discussion thread for the cause ALS Guardian Angels. Its EIN is 26-2671920 and it's a public charity based in San Juan Capo, CA. Research more info about the cause on GuideStar and Charity Navigator.
We are dedicated to helping patients and their families live with ALS while maintaining the best quality of life possible.
Most people have heard of ALS, thanks to the success of the “Ice Bucket Challenge.” Just this morning, I saw a news story about the FDA approving a new drug for the treatment of ALS. This is great news! But, there is still no discovered cure for ALS. While many great organizations are fundraising for a cure, the ALS Guardian Angels Foundation helps those living with ALS have a better quality of life.
Our family is being personally affected by ALS. We don’t know yet what the coming months and years will bring. However, other people with ALS (and those who love them) are already in the toughest parts of living with this disease. Please consider casting your vote for an organization dedicated to helping them!
Check out their website at:
Here is the mission statement from their website:
Our Mission
Most ALS related organizations are dedicated to finding a cure. Until then, ALS patients need help living. The ALS Guardian Angels Foundation is dedicated to helping patients and their families live with ALS while maintaining the best quality of life possible.
Stuart Millheiser
Also read Charitocracy's blog post about ALS Guardian Angels!