Nominated Cause
This is the official discussion thread for the cause Together Rising. Its EIN is 45-5362738 and it's a public charity based in Falls Church, VA. Research more info about the cause on GuideStar and Charity Navigator.
We organize LOVE FLASH MOBS with thousands of strangers giving a maximum of $25 to meet a particular need in a matter of hours.
Together Rising transforms collective heartbreak into effective action.
In a world where crises abound and heartbreak is in every community, people who want to help often don’t know where to turn. Together Rising is where to turn.
Whether it’s pulling children out of the sea outside the refugee camps in Greece, helping abandoned kids on the streets in Indianapolis, establishing the first opioid recovery home for pregnant teens in New Hampshire, building a maternal health wing in Port-au-Prince, providing a single mother access to breast cancer treatment, or keeping a foster family’s heat on in Texas — Together Rising identifies what is breaking the hearts of our givers as they look around their world and their community, and then we connect our givers’ generosity with the people and organizations who are effectively addressing that critical need.
We live in a world where people believe that We Belong To Each Other.
We live in a world where people give away hard-earned money to strangers.
We live in a world where Love Wins.Also read Charitocracy's blog post about Together Rising!