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Epilepsy Foundation logo
Epilepsy Foundation


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  • #1080

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    This is the official discussion thread for the cause Epilepsy Foundation. Its EIN is 52-0856660 and it's a public charity based in Bowie, MD. Research more info about the cause on GuideStar and Charity Navigator.

    Epilepsy Foundation logo
    We lead the fight to overcome challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives.

    Now that my daughter holds this diagnosis, I have looked for resources and support.   The Epilepsy Foundation has recent research, support forums, and other resources for people with epilepsy, their families and caregivers.

    Also read Charitocracy's blog post about Epilepsy Foundation!
  • Commenter
  • #2148


    November is Epilepsy Awareness month!

    My daughter Katie has had epilepsy since December 2015- just about 3 years now. In that time she’s had about 30 seizures. While we seem to have found a medication that keeps them at bay, we never really know for sure.  Breakthrough seizures happen and they can’t be predicted more than 5 minutes from onset. Katie’s seizures are particularly terrifying because her heart stops for the duration of the seizure.  Add to that I’m a single mom and I have no help when she goes down unless I’m able to call 911. I consider us lucky because Katie comes back to baseline quickly and with few residual effects.  Other people with epilepsy cannot function for the rest of the day after a seizure.  Some folks seize so often they can’t function at all. One friend broke his shoulder during a seizure, and had his arm immobilized for months. It’s also possible to die from seizures. Let’s throw some money toward research to end this disorder. #MakeEpilepsyHistory

    1 in 26 people will have a seizure sometime in their life.


  • #2151


    It is time this month!!  🙂