Nominated Cause
This is the official discussion thread for the cause A Mother’s Rest. Its EIN is 81-4965846 and it's a public charity based in New Market, MD. Research more info about the cause on GuideStar and Charity Navigator.
We are a network of B&Bs offering respite retreats to parents/caregivers of loved ones with disabilities or chronic illness.
The Gift of Rest
A Mother’s Rest is a network of non-profit, respite retreat inns created exclusively to serve parents & other caregivers of loved ones with extra needs.Here at AMR, we support parents & caregivers of just about EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE. As a secular organization, caregivers of all faiths and backgrounds are welcome. Many of our guests are “extra needs” parents, of children and adults. We also welcome ALL foster/adoptive parents (with or without diagnosed disability), special educators, spouses caring for injured /chronically ill husbands/wives, spouses of Wounded Warriors, as well as those caring for their own parents facing Alzheimers/Dementia and other age related illnesses at home.
We are blessed to have a growing national network of existing bed and breakfast inns who host several retreats per year at discounted rates. We also now own TWO respite inns that function entirely on donations from our guests and the community. The Terrace Guest House is located in New Market, MD. and Lawton Place Manor is located in the mountains of North Georgia. Both of our signature inns are open year-round, and your donations make those retreats possible for ALL caregivers who visit.
With the help of inn partner discounts, corporate sponsorship, small business donations, church & civic group support, we aim to keep the costs to parents as low as possible. All donations to A Mother’s Rest are tax deductible. It doesn’t get any easier to make respite accessible and affordable to all extra needs caregivers.
Also read Charitocracy's blog post about A Mother’s Rest!