Nominated Cause
This is the official discussion thread for the cause The IOCC Foundation. Its EIN is 86-1131936 and it's a supporting organization based in Baltimore, MD. Research more info about the cause on GuideStar and Charity Navigator.
We support humanitarian relief and development programs and provide seed money to establish new programs and initiatives.
IOCC provides humanitarian aid both locally and internationally to people affected by natural and man made disasters and war. In the spirit of Christ’s love, IOCC offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination.
Since its inception in 1992, IOCC has provided more than $771 million in humanitarian relief and sustainable development programs to people facing hardship. All assistance is provided solely on the basis of need. Current programs focus on emergency preparedness and response; sustainable livelihoods; water, sanitation, and hygiene; health; and food security and agriculture in places including Ethiopia, Greece, Lebanon, Syria, Uganda, and the United States.
Also read Charitocracy's blog post about The IOCC Foundation!