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National Institute for Reproductive Health logo
National Institute for Reproductive Health

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  • #2679

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    This is the official discussion thread for the cause National Institute for Reproductive Health. Its EIN is 13-3030257 and it's a public charity based in New York, NY. Research more info about the cause on GuideStar and Charity Navigator.

    National Institute for Reproductive Health logo
    We build power to change policy, galvanize support, and normalize women’s decisions about abortion & contraception.

    The freedom, safety and protection of women’s sexual and reproductive health in the United States is under siege once again and so I’ve nominated the NIRH.

    The National Institute for Reproductive Health (NIRH) builds power at the state and local level to change public policy, galvanize public support, and normalize women’s decisions about abortion and contraception.

    Using a partnership model, the NIRH provides state and local advocates with strategic guidance, hands-on support, and funding to create national change from the ground up. We are a force multiplier – we form strategic partnerships with a wide range of organizations to directly impact the reproductive health and lives of women across the country. Since 2008, NIRH has provided direct grants and hands-on support to more than 170 reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations in 43 states and 64 localities across the country.

    At the national level, we go where others don’t, engaging in groundbreaking public opinion research, proactive policy initiatives, and innovative advocacy campaigns to shape a new national conversation about reproductive freedom.

    The NIRH Action Fund, works in parallel to change state and local electoral and policy landscapes.

    We don’t just push back against restrictions on abortion and contraception; we fight for a society in which everyone has the freedom and ability to control their reproductive and sexual lives.


    Also read Charitocracy's blog post about National Institute for Reproductive Health!
  • Commenter
  • #4640


    Love the cause but if you care abour reproductive health we all have to rally behind the current #2 cause to bump the current leading anti-choice cause.