Nominated Cause
This is the official discussion thread for the cause Homes of Hope India. Its EIN is 42-1731241 and it's a public charity based in Wilmington, NC. Research more info about the cause on GuideStar and Charity Navigator.
We have provided a safe home and new life for over 1,000 orphaned, abandoned, or trafficked girls in India since 2006.
Homes of Hope India, out of Wilmington, NC, is directed by Paul Wilkes and is dedicated to rescuing and educating orphaned and abandoned girls centered in Kochi, India. Most of the girls are rescued from the sex trade and “begging mafia”. They have raised funds to build six orphanges in India, providing a safe home and education for some 800 children so far. With your help, they are provided a good education, a computer lab and language lab, so they might be prepared for the future, scholarships for elementary and higher education; a solar-powered electrical system; 30 solar-powered water purification units; dug 10 wells; provided thousands of dollars of needed medicines; 300 new and refurbished computers; generators and batteries because of the erratic electricity; four language labs to teach English; and over 400,000 books shipped to India.
Their over-arching goal is to provide a safe home for every orphaned, abandoned and neglected girl in India! These are the real “Slum Dog Millionare” children. Your dollar goes a HUGE way for building “Homes of Hope” for these girls! I have been personally involved with this charity over the last year and they are making a HUGE impact on these girls. Check them out and VOTE FOR US!
Also read Charitocracy's blog post about Homes of Hope India!