Nominated Cause
This is the official discussion thread for the cause First Candle. Its EIN is 52-1591162 and it's a public charity based in New Canaan, CT. Research more info about the cause on GuideStar and Charity Navigator.
We support grieving families and work to prevent SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths by educating caregivers and supporting research.
This charity is dear to my heart because they helped me through losing my daughter to SIDS. When my perfectly healthy 1 month old daughter, Elizabeth Redd Lenhart, passed away, I did not know where to turn for help or answers. A quick internet search led me to find their phone number and the immediate grief support that they offered was extremely helpful to me and my husband. First Candle works to promote safe sleep for babies and fund SIDS research. By supporting this charity, we are helping more babies survive and families to cope with the devastating loss of their babies.
Also read Charitocracy's blog post about First Candle!