Nominated Cause
This is the official discussion thread for the cause WomenHeart. Its EIN is 52-2148006 and it's a public charity based in Washington, DC. Research more info about the cause on GuideStar and Charity Navigator.
We are the first and only national patient-centered organization dedicated to serving women with heart disease. Their community is here for you.
WomenHeart is the only national organization solely devoted to advancing women’s heart health through advocacy, community education and patient support. WomenHeart is both a coalition and a community of more than 35,000 members nationwide, including women heart patients and their families, physicians and health advocates committed to helping women live longer, healthier lives.
I am nominating WomenHeart in honor of my cousin, who passed away on October 15, 2016.
While my cousin was alive, she was active as a Community Educator for the WomenHeart organization, educating other women of the dangers of heart disease. My cousin leaves behind a husband and 2 young daughters and a loving extended family. We are saddened and left with an enormous void in our hearts with her passing. I am pleased to help carry on her legacy by bringing attention to this deadly disease.
Thank you for considering this charity for your vote this month.
Also read Charitocracy's blog post about WomenHeart!
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